Monday, 23 October 2017
Important update
Because life has been so hectic for some time now, we're not doing any more llama treks. They've done such a great job over the last 6 years, especially the fabulous half-brothers Django and Jellyroll, that we think they deserve a rest too and they're happily munching away in their field with all our other llamas. We'd like to say thank you to all our customers over the years and we hope everyone still has fond memories of their walks around Chatsworth.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Birthday girl
It's been ages since we updated the blog but our excuse is that everyone says we're the busiest people they know. We seem to be living proof that the more you do, the more you seem to be able to fit in! We were out last Saturday though with birthday girl Anya, actually on her birthday, and she'd specifically requested a llama trek - what a great thing to want for your 9th birthday! Here she is, with her sister Sadie (there's a cue for a song!) and friend Maisie, who all did a great job in leading Django and Jellyroll around Chatsworth. They've apparently been researching llamas at school - what a great way to find out for yourself how lovely llamas actually are!
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Monty Python & Llamas!
Yes, llamas even infiltrated the very strange world of the Monty Python team. Check this out:
A message went out to the llama community earlier this year from June, in Lincoln. She'd had two llamas for years and one unfortunately died after a long and happy life. Llamas don't like being on their own and although they'll sometimes be happy living with different animals, it's obviously much better for them to be around other llamas. June therefore asked if someone with llamas could take on Tonto and we helped out.
Tonto - his name might be changed yet to stay in keeping with our jazz musician theme! - has dropped pasterns, commonly called ski feet, so he won't be out trekking. He's happily settled in though, as you can see here.
After a busy few months with various things, we're back onto updating the blog. Our first piece of news though is one we'd been avoiding. Our beautiful Lena, who we believed to be pregnant to Django, died suddenly on New Year's Day. Janet went out as usual to let the animals out and found Lena, who looked as if she'd just collapsed on the spot. Due to two days of bank holidays, the vet advised us not to have a post mortem but he said it was very likely to be due to her pregnancy. Needless to say, we were all incredibly upset and it was an awful start to the year.
We'll never forget her, but read on for more of our activities this year.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
A`week of contrasts

Well what a week of contrasts! We'd been enjoying such lovely weather on the run up to Easter, as you can see from the sky behind the tree, and then, in the space of one very wild night,we were blocked in by snow. Two sheep went missing and we found them after prodding around with a stick in the 4' drifts by the crags. Luckily they'd made a little igloo each and bounced out when we dug them out. The llamas, as usual, took it all in their stride but were a little miffed when they realised they couldn't get to the feed bowls. A new bale of hay in the shelter soon made them happy again though. Thankfully the thaw has now set in as we're off to Chatsworth again soon - keep your eye out for us!
Monday, 2 January 2012
Happy 60th, Ken!

Karen was determined that Ken's 60th birthday treat wasn't going to be put off by the weather, and here's the proof (can you see Ken's '60 today' badge?)! The weather report was very grim and the longer picnic trek was abandoned in favour of the shorter Chatsworth 'A' one but in true Peak Llamas fashion, the rain stopped and the wind died down. That is, until the second half, when we got very wet! Django and Jelly Roll performed really well even in the face of this but were glad to get to back to the traler and hay. We were equally determined not to disappoint Karen & Ken but we're looking forward to the summer when we'll do a proper picnic trek with them - maybe even the Ladybower one. Ken had a knee replacement recently and has exactly the right attitude - use it or lose it!
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